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awakens individuals  to their calling
by guiding them to 'live deep'
through igniting wonder,
pursuing wisdom,
and revering the wild. 


Lone Hawk Ministry, LLC 

is uniquely built upon an interrelationship of spiritual and philosophical dialogue that engages with profound ideas that impact and transform life and existence. Lone Hawk Ministry distinctively emphasizes the interconnectedness of Wisdom, Wonder, and The Wild, where personal transformation is a journey in the pursuit to ‘live deep’.  This unique positioning empowers individuals who feel called to courageously make a lasting difference in the world by igniting a sense of Wonder that focuses on beauty and passion in life and living, a love for Wisdom that guides to truth and knowledge, and a reverence for the Wild that connects to all that is good and sacred. 

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Learning empowers.

Wildness is sacred.

Wonder awakens.

A Calling changes a forever.

(principles that guide actions)

Transformation is always possible.

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